So, it's a "done deal"

The inauguration and seating of the 45th President of the United States, I mean.

Interesting to watch the huge group of politicians act nicey-nice on the platform.  Even Hillary smiled.  That said, all that "nicey-nice" is what the "peaceful transfer of power" is all about.  And we've done it since 1789.  Tradition.  Ritual.  I was pleased to see it done again.  The actors acted according to script.

The Trump speech.  I'd characterize it as a blue-collar populist speech with protectionist overtones.  He spoke to the nation, but he mostly spoke to those who elected him. Hopefully someone can wean him from the protectionism belief he seems to hold.  That does no country any good in real terms economically.

Otherwise, a rah-rah speech designed to rally and reassure his supporters, in which, finally, the executive named the enemy - radical Islam - that the former administration wouldn't recognize.  Of course, that will be taken as a sign of hate and racism (even though Islam isn't a "race").  Just hide and watch.

"Former administration."  Ex-President.  I savor both those phrases at the moment.  Who the heck knows, however, if I'll pine for the days of Obama after a couple of years with Trump.  I sincerely doubt it.  The former President was a disaster in too many ways to count.  His departure on "Executive One" was a scene to rejoice.

But now comes the unknown.  We have no real track record in terms of politics on which to make predictions about how Trump will act (not that that will stop the talking heads from opining on how he will do so).  I want to believe the best, but frankly, I can't.  I have to see action.  We just spent 8 years listening to someone who said one thing and did another.

Trump has a lot to prove.  And my guess is as he does so I will find many things I don't like or with which I disagree. However, I'm willing to wait, watch and then judge.  And if I don't see that which I think fulfills the principles the Constitution demands, I'll speak out just as forcefully against him as I did the ex-president.

But for now, I'm just going to savor that: "ex-president".




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