Gaslighting Climate Change

John Kerry, while jetting around in his private aircraft, tells us we only have 9 years to save the world from climate change.

"Around 2030 is the date at which we have to get the world now on the right path in order to cap the level of warming at that level of 1.5 [degrees celsius]," he said at a Munich Security Conference. 

"The scientists told us three years ago we had 12 years to avert the worst consequences of climate crisis. We are now three years gone, so we have nine years left," Kerry later told CBS News.

"There is no room for B.S. anymore. There's no faking it on this one," the climate czar said. 

No BS? No "faking it" anymore? How many times have we heard that sort of talk? Well, over the years, here are a few examples:

1967 Salt Lake Tribune: Dire Famine Forecast by 1975, Already Too Late

1969 NYT: "Unless we are extremely lucky, everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years. The situation will get worse unless we change our behavior."

1970 Boston Globe: Scientist Predicts New Ice Age by 21st Century said James P. Lodge, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.

1971 Washington Post: Disastrous New Ice Age Coming says S.I. Rasool at NASA.

1972 Brown University Letter to President Nixon: Warning on Global Cooling

1974 The Guardian: Space Satellites Show Ice Age Coming Fast

1974 Time Magazine: Another Ice Age "Telling signs everywhere. Since the 1940s mean global temperatures have dropped 2.7 degrees F."

1974 "Ozone Depletion a Great Peril to Life" University of Michigan Scientist

1976 NYT The Cooling: University of Wisconsin climatologist Stephen Schneider laments about the "deaf ear his warnings received."

1988 Agence France Press: Maldives will be Completely Under Water in 30 Years.

1989 Associated Press: UN Official Says Rising Seas to 'Obliterate Nations' by 2000.

1989 Salon: New York City’s West Side Highway underwater by 2019 said Jim Hansen the scientist who lectured Congress in 1988 about the greenhouse effect.

2000 The Independent: "Snowfalls are a thing of the past. Our children will not know what snow is," says senior climate researcher.

2004 The Guardian: The Pentagon Tells Bush Climate Change Will Destroy Us. "Britain will be Siberian in less than 20 years," the Pentagon told Bush.

2008 Associate Press: NASA Scientist says "We're Toast. In 5-10 years the Arctic will be Ice Free"

2008 Al Gore: Al Gore warns of ice-free Arctic by 2013.

2009 The Independent: Prince Charles says Just 96 Months to Save the World. "The price of capitalism is too high."

2009 The Independent: Gordon Brown says "We have fewer than 50 days to save our planet from catastrophe."

2013 The Guardian: The Arctic will be Ice Free in Two Years. "The release of a 50 gigaton of methane pulse" will destabilize the planet.

2013 The Guardian: US Navy Predicts Ice Free Arctic by 2016. "The US Navy's department of Oceanography uses complex modeling to makes its forecast more accurate than others.

2014 John Kerry: "We have 500 days to Avoid Climate Chaos" discussed Sec of State John Kerry and French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabious at a joint meeting.

These are just some of the doomsday predictions we have had to contend with since the sixties. And the outcome? 0 for 21. In fact, not even close.

The newest tax and wealth redistribution scheme, and that's what these all are, is all about CO2 and controlling it. The claim is we're out of control with our production of CO2 and it is that which will trigger runaway climate change if it gets to a yet undetermined point. The "science" concerning all of this has been, well, underwhelming. We've seen fudged numbers, "hiding the decline" and the like.

But even when all is said and done, this country has done quite well in mitigating its "carbon footprint" as can be seen in the chart at the head of the article. 

In fact, we're doing better than anyone. Couple that with the fact that India seems to be in a race with China to see which country can produce the most CO2 and you can see why anyone in their right mind would understand that taxing Americans for carbon production, while our carbon output is rapidly declining, is nothing more than another means of increasing government power and control.

And what is it that the government has claimed needs to be done? I'm sure you remember the outline of the "Green New Deal" presented in February of 2020.

Upgrade all existing buildings in the US

100% clean power

Support family farms

Universal access to healthy food

Zero-emission vehicle infrastructure

Remove greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere

Eliminate unfair competition

Affordable access to electricity

Create high-quality union jobs that pay prevailing wages

Guaranteeing a job with a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations, and retirement security to all people of the United States

Or, in other words, completely remake the United States on a 90 trillion dollar spending binge. And note, the last 4 points especially have nothing to do with climate change (some would argue that 6 of the 10 have nothing to do with it). They are leftist political talking points.

It seems clear that we are being gaslighted and have been for over 50 years. The scare is in place. The dire forecasts and the doomsday prognostications of politicians have yet to even come close to reality. But the idea is if they can scare us enough, they'll literally be able to tax thin air, redistribute wealth and work toward the fundamental change you see listed in 10 points above.

We've seen the outcome of rushing into unreliable "green" power generation this winter. Our first priority must be to provide reliable power to our people. Wind and solar are neither. And the power source that could most aid this cause and doesn't emit any CO2 is out of favor (nuclear). If the pols want reliable "green" energy, that's what they should be talking about.

Don't let the politicians fool you again into believing that in order to avert the coming climate change catastrophe you must give them your money and liberty. At this point, their dire warnings have all the validity of a Nigerian banking scam.



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