Cuban refugees and race relations have one thing in common

As a parting shot to Hispanics - at least those fleeing totalitarian Cuba - our man Obama has ended the "feet we, feet dry" special refugee status for them.  Because, for some reason, the left seems to enjoy cozying up to dictators and giving them a hand.  As one Cuban refugee said, while in a shelter in Central America, "Obama screwed us!".

Well, America has been screwed by Obama for 8 years.  You should feel glad you finally got it with only a week to go in his term.  Talk about a useless but extraordinarily mean spirited thing to do ... well, this fits that bill.  Oh, by the way, Cubans have more of a tendency to vote on the right, so hey, why not, huh Mr. Obama?

Speaking of being screwed by Barry, here's a graphic that demonstrates another wonderful job he's done:

Heck of a job, Barry. (HT Instapundit)

Are you a "sizest, ableist or white supremacist?"  You might be if you use the word "ugly".  So say the rocket scientists at University of Wisconsin - River Falls.  They find it to be "offensive":
Why not: Word is used to put down someone for the way they look, can be connected back to white supremacist, ableist, sizeist standards of beauty.
Dude, an ugly day is an ugly day.  Same with an ugly dog.  The "why not" assumes that the word can only be used in the strict and limited sense these boobs outline and, of course any educated person (isn't that what they're there to become?) knows that.  So, no. Rejected. And you can stick it in your  ugly ear.

Why are the Democrats beating the "Russians did it" drum?  John Lewis makes it clear:
"I don't see the president-elect as a legitimate president," he said.

Elaborating, Lewis said: "I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton.
This is GW Bush redux.  You remember "selected, not elected"?  It allowed the Democrats to act like rude, uncooperative and spoiled children for 8 years.  Well, not that they've cleaned up their act any, but they're back.  Trust me, you're going to hear this more and more as the weeks go by.

Have a good one!



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