Will "progressives" ever learn?

Well other than the pro-abortion women's march over the weekend, it was fairly quiet. Always fun to watch entitled and privileged people act like they are oppressed and in danger of losing their "rights". Unconvinced isn't even an approximation of what I felt watching them. This was just another facet of the progressive tantrum that's been thrown since Trump's election. Apparently self-respect is a no-no when turning up for one of these events. Just leave it at home, shout cuss words, make explicit and degrading signs and dress like a body part. Somehow that will convey the "oppression" to which one is subjected in today's America. I'm sorry, it's all just so laughable. You could make endless memes with the pictures. It is another in a long line of spectacles that underline the reasons Trump now occupies the White House. Introspection is not something the left does much of, apparently. Well, wandering the the political wilderness may help that. But I kind of doubt that.

Why, you might ask?  There's the Democratic "leadership" to consider.  Like Nancy Pelosi.  You remember Hillary Clinton's "deplorables" gaff?  That told voters who didn't agree with the leftist agenda that they were less than important to the Democrats despite all their nattering about "inclusiveness".  It reinforced what they thought of the elites in the Democratic party, and that wasn't much.  It helped them pull the lever for Trump who didn't particularly resonate with them either.  

Pelosi apparently hasn't learned a thing from that.  On Inauguration Day she doubled down on dissing middle America. She showed up on "Morning Joe" and Scarborough ask her:
But how do Democrats who have the right policies economically. in their minds, how do they reconnect with a middle America who feels like sometimes they are looked down upon because of their faith or their values?
Her answer?
PELOSI: Well, thank you for asking that question because the cultural issue, and especially when it comes to rural America, the isolation that some people feel there, plus they don’t think that Democrats are people of faith, when the fact is that we are. And I say, this will be a little not in keeping with the spirit of the day of unity, but I say they pray in church on Sunday and prey on people the rest of the week, and while we’re doing the Lord’s work by ministering to the needs of God’s creation they are ignoring those needs which is to dishonor the God who made them.
She is truly the gift that keeps on giving as far as the GOP is concerned.  Thank you Democrats for reelecting her the minority leader in the House.  Given this huge dose of "progressivism" ("pray on Sunday" and "prey the rest of the week") in which an elite progressive woman essentially calls "middle America" thugs couldn't give a better signal that the left and Democrats haven't learned a single thing from Trump's election.  This is the most brain-dead but phenomenally offensive statement I've seen in a while.  If she mirrors current progressive thought, and I think she probably does, it's going to be a long 8 years for them.

Hey, progressives - foolish statements like this is why you lost.

Speaking of losing, Liz Warren's Senate seat may be in jeopardy.  It simply couldn't happen to a nicer person:
Nearly half of Massachusetts voters are ready for a new senator to replace Democrat Elizabeth Warren in the 2018 election, according to a new poll. 
Forty-six percent of Massachusetts voters who took the survey, which was conducted by MassINC Polling Group and WBUR, are ready to vote Warren out of office, Politico reported Monday. 
Meanwhile, 37 percent of poll respondents said they disapprove of Warren, while 51 percent said they approve. These numbers show a sharp decline from April 2015, when a poll showed that Warren had a 62 percent approval rating and a 21 percent disapproval rating.
Don't forget, it's early, it's Massachusetts and it involves polling, which has been so reliable in the recent past.  But the point is, the deplorables, even in deep blue country, are getting pretty tired of the elites and discovering that their values are not shared by them.  Liz better tap into some of those "native American" roots she claims to get back in touch with those predatory rurals. 

The Trump/media war continues to heat up.  Frankly, I'm happy to see this happen.  The media deserves it more than one can imagine.  If Trump accomplishes nothing else in his term it will hopefully be to put the media back in their place and doing their job - as they should - and not being shills for a particular political party. One of the things he seems intent on doing is knocking them off of their self-erected pedestal.  Trump's attempt to "democratize" the White House press corps by hinting that he would add a broader spectrum of media and floating the idea of moving them from their privileged enclave in the White House to the Executive building is, frankly, a pretty good way of helping to put them in their place.  Calling them out on their coverage when it is untrue (like the MLK bust, etc.) is, while certainly not traditional, badly needed.  And the medias attempts to make the Inauguration events less than they were, well that too is worth a shot.  Take a look at this CNN "gigapixel" shot of the  inauguration and pan back toward the Washington Monument.  Seems pretty darn packed to me. Why didn't CNN use that shot?

Of course, that doesn't mean the media will actually figure this out.  As an example:
Ben Smith, editor in chief of the website Buzzfeed, called Monday for news organizations to adopt "new rules" in order to properly cover the Trump administration, and said that may even require sometimes publishing "unverified information."
In an op-ed published Monday, Smith said President Trump and his team frequently push falsehoods and aren't sufficiently transparent, and said a new type of journalism is needed to foster "trust" with the public.
Ummm ... wondering where Buzzfeed was the last 8 years with the most opaque administration in history which made a habit of lying to everyone?  Oh, yeah ... shilling for them.  QED.

And this brings us full circle to the subject at the top of the page.  Slate seems to think that the new political group du jure, given the non-inclusive "women's march" this weekend will be "angry women."  Instead, it's just more Nancy Pelosi's refusing to understand that their agenda has been rejected by the huge number of "predators" out in middle America.  
“This election brought awareness to the fact that people’s mindsets aren’t as progressive as we think they are,” Mugg said. “But I think the positive thing that we can take away from this election is that a lot of people who probably sat by, myself included, and didn’t vote at a local level, or pay attention to the policies that are in effect, are now showing up. Like here today.” Barnes, who is from Prince William County, Virginia, was wearing a T-shirt from her local National Organization for Women chapter. She’d gone to her first meeting the week before, after searching online for women’s organizations. “I like what I hear, I like the energy,” she said of NOW. “It gives me energy and it gives me hope.”
Well, good.  It also reinforces - again - why Trump sits in the White House and Hillary sits at home.  This sort to smugness is what middle America finds offensive.  They're as "progressive" as they want to be, and groups of women showing no self-respect or self-restraint aren't going to make them any more "progressive".  In fact, it's likely the opposite will occur.  And now that they know how the left really feels about them, well, they are certainly not going to worry about the progressive's acceptance of them.  So let's see where this "energy" and "hope" do for the left.  If it applied in the same way it has these past 8 years and was during the march, the 53% of women who voted for Trump may increase in 2020.



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