Someone tell Hollywood that no one really cares what they think

And the DDOS attack continues.

Speaking of attacks, I understand the usual spoiled children of Hollywood used the occasion of the self-congratulatory Golden Globe Awards to launch attacks on Donald Trump.

Here's my shocked face.  Heh ... business as usual for the entitled Hollywood crowd.  I'm old enough to remember when they had something others called "class".  No more.

I especially loved this bit by Viola Davis - "[T]here is no way that we can have someone in office who is not an extension of our belief system. So what does that say about us?"

Well Ms. Davis, what it says is that's the system that has made us great and doesn't depend on just your set of "beliefs".  You'll now have to suffer with someone in office that is not an "extension of your belief system" just as about half the country has suffered through that very problem for the last 8 years.  And some of us, by the way, suffer through it almost every presidential election.

Get over it.  

Meanwhile, in the real world and reminiscent of the Munich Agreement, the outgoing Obama Administration approves a huge shipment of uranium to Iran:

In what amounts to an 11th hour “gift” by the outgoing Obama administration to Tehran’s leadership to keep the country, which on Sunday was involved in yet another shooting incident with a US destroyer, content and compliant with Obama’s landmark “Nuclear deal”, the AP reported that Iran is to receive a huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia to compensate it for exporting tons of reactor coolant. The move was approved by the outgoing U.S. administration and other governments “seeking to keep Tehran committed to a landmark nuclear pact.” 
AP cites two senior diplomats who said that the transfer which was recently agreed by the U.S. and five other world powers that negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran, foresees delivery of 116 metric tons (nearly 130 tons) of natural uranium. U.N. Security Council approval is needed but a formality, considering five of those powers are permanent Security Council members, they said.
But, but, but ... Obama was the anti-nuclear proliferation president wasn't he?  And let's not mention the 10 billion in cash, gold and other valuables that was released to Iran in this "deal".  Enough that:
Iranian lawmakers approved plans on Monday to expand military spending to five percent of the budget, including developing the country's long-range missile program which U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to halt. 
The vote is a boost to Iran's military establishment – the regular army, the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and defense ministry - which was allocated almost 2 percent of the 2015-16 budget.
Imagine that.  Wonder where they got the money? Wonder why our ships are having to fire warning shots at them in the Gulf?
Then there's this:

Ms. Byerley is allegedly the CEO of a San Francisco company.  What does one say to ignorance like this?  Perhaps the best thing to do is to ask Ms. Byerley if she's walked the streets in San Francisco lately and seen how they've been turned into toilets.  Or visited Chicago and Detroit lately?  
Yeah, you see, the true sh*tholes, made that way by blue governance, aren't in flyover land.  They're in major urban areas where folks like Ms. Byerley have held sway. They're in the land of the bigoted left, who assume everyone who doesn't think like them must be "violent, racist and/or misogynistic".  
Ironic, huh?


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