Government proxy censorship?


It appears unmistakeable that the government, through proxies, is attempting to silence opposition voice or voices they don't agree with. We talked about how it and Big Tech were colluding yesterday to keep dissenting voices off of social media. 

Now we find two Democratic Congresspersons from California sending letters to the CEO's of  AT&T, Verizon, Roku, Amazon, Apple, Comcast, Charter Communications, Dish Network, Cox Communications, Altice USA, Alphabet Inc, and Hulu.  You can see the letters here.

One paragraph makes it clear what side of the political spectrum they're after:

"Experts have noted that the right-wing media ecosystem is “much more susceptible…to disinformation, lies, and half-truths.” Right-wing media outlets, like Newsmax, One America News Network (OANN), and Fox News all aired misinformation about the November 2020 elections. For example, both Newsmax and OANN “ran incendiary reports” of false information following the elections and continue to support “an angry and dangerous subculture [that] will continue to operate semi-openly.”6 As a violent mob was breaching the doors of the Capitol, Newsmax’s coverage called the scene a “sort of a romantic idea.” Fox News, meanwhile, has spent years spewing misinformation about American politics."

Interestingly, but hardly ironically, the "sources" of the information used as references in the letter come from such unbiased media outlets as Vox, Slate, CNN, Media Matters and the Washington Post - all bastions of unbiased truth /sarc.

No mention in the letter of the four years of misinformation and disinformation about the "Russian Collusion" hoax the same media outlets cited as sources by the Congresspersons foisted on the American publicLegal Insurrection has much more, but suffice as to say, this is totally unacceptable. Not only that, it presents even more evidence that this administration is actively seeking to silence dissenting voices by enlisting Big Tech in its program of censorship.



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