If Trump is an "antisemite", what's Keith Ellison?

That’s a question I’d like progressives to answer honestly applying whatever standard they apply to Trump with Ellison.
Not going to happen I know.  Roger Simon points to the obvious:
Not only are more members of his immediate family — daughter, son-in-law and daughter-in-law and therefore various grandchildren — Jewish than any previous president, his cabinet and advisers are chock-full of my coreligionists.  Trump — he of the “New York values” and the countless hours on the Howard Stern radio show — has lived a life surrounded by and working with Jews with no problem that I have ever heard about.
And Keith Ellison?  He’s a product of the Nation of Islam, founded by unabashed antisemite Louis Farrakhan.  Ellison has gone to great extents to pretend he didn’t know that or somehow wasn’t effected by it.  But his words and deeds at that time betray him.  And somehow the Democrats and progressives are fine with ignoring his past affiliation.  Sort of reminds you of Barack Obama’s favorite preacher and he and the left pretending none of that was important or had any effect.  I think we all know better than that now.
Simon quotes Jeff Balabon who sums the point up nicely:
Who knows? Maybe reasonable people can differ about these things. But here’s another thing to consider: The people who vouched for Obama to the American Jewish community are now vouching for Rep. Ellison, while condemning Donald Trump and his advisers for the sins of stoking hatred and anti-Semitism that Obama demonstrably committed, and the Democratic Party is now hoping to induce our community to forget.
History repeats.  In this case, I’d like to see Ellison get the job.  The DNC deserves his “leadership”.  And it will only serve to make them, the Democrats, even more of a minority party (and no, I don’t mean that in terms of minority persons, races or genders).
Serves ’em right.


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