Sanctuary cities invite criminal aliens
Have certain Democratic governors and mayors found their “inner George Wallace”. Seems it might be so:
Our liberal governors and mayors are in the tradition of their Democratic predecessors in Arkansas and Alabama. They have interposed themselves between the federal government and their sanctuary states and cities, ordering their police to refuse to allow federal agents do fulfill a federal mandate to remove illegal aliens, especially felons, from the country. If statues could smile, those being removed from public places would be grinning from marble ear to marble ear at the resurrection of their legal theory. Ike was famous for his grin, Jack for his cool. But both understood a challenge to federal authority when they saw it, and didn’t hesitate to use the threat of force to face down challenges to that authority. Your move, Donald.
Yeah, I’m not so sure a “threat of force” is what is called for here, but the power of the purse strings, especially in these times of deficit with the blue state models failing all over, might have more power. For the left, force would mean martyrdom. That’s the way it’s always seen when your ideology is your religion. Money, however, talks … and the BS walks, or backs off anyway. The way the federal government has structured the tax money flow in this country means the purse is more powerful than the sword, at least for now.
But to the larger point – the “sanctuary” movement simply doesn’t compute for most Americans. Why? Well, for one, we have a system that outlines how one becomes a citizen. Despite all the charges of “anti-immigrant”, few Americans are anti-immigrant. But many are anti illegal immigrant. They believe we should have a process and they don’t find uncontrolled and unregulated illegal immigration to be something we should encourage.
But that’s precisely what sanctuary cities and states encourage. They incentivize what most Americans don’t want to see encouraged and, in fact, prefer to see discouraged.
And, of course, you get more of what you reward and make no mistake about it, sanctuary cities and states are indeed rewarding law breaking by offering sanctuary. However, there’s a price. For instance:
Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute found that two-thirds of all outstanding felony warrants in the city of Los Angeles involved illegal aliens — as well as 95% of outstanding murder warrants.
Remember, these politicians who establish sanctuary cities are inflicting these criminals and their crimes on their own legal citizens. They’re inviting these criminal aliens to their cities and states. They’re implicitly offering them safety. Seem daft to you? Does it makes sense to encourage something that causes danger and death to those you swore to “serve and protect”? This is false moral vanity gone mad.
The left, and make no mistake about it, they are pushing this sort of nullification, has still not figured out why Donald Trump is President of the United States or why the voters in 200 “Obama Counties” flipped those counties in Trump’s favor. And they’re still in the dark about why they’ve lost so many state and local seats.
Well this sort of nonsense is one of the big reasons why.
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